
Part of the Traditional Fellowship Pathway, residents interested in Pediatric Hematology & Oncology should seek out elective and procedure experiences that increase their exposure to the continuum of care for children with cancer and blood disorders as well as the other health care professionals, sites, and resources involved in the acute and chronic care of this patient population.


Ben Mizukawa Benjamin Mizukawa@cchmc.org
Hematology/Oncology Rotation Director

Cincinnati Children’s Fellowship Director

Ashish Kumar

Essential Electives

Recommended Electives

Infectious Diseases

Contact: Rebecca Brady

Residents should arrange for experiences that focus on the management of immunocompromised children, including transplant/BMT patients.

Hospice & Palliative Care

Contact: Hilary Flint & Krista Nee

Administrative Assistant: Andrea Ayers

This half block or full block elective introduces residents to the Hospice & Palliative Care Medicine service where you will care for children with chronic pain and chronic diseases.

Procedures: Pain management/PCAs

Other Electives


Contacts: Nancy Crimmins

Administrative Assistant: Hirra Ai

Half or Full-Block

This elective should include opportunities to evaluate and management Neuro-Oncology patients who often have compromised endocrine function. Specifically seek out time with Dr. Jonathan Howell who sees Oncology and BMT patients with Endocrinological issues.

PICU Elective

Contacts: Steven Standage

Adminsitrative Assistant: Kim Fulmer

Half or Full-Block

The focus of this elective can be centered around the care of critically ill Heme/Onc and BMT patients.

Procedures: central lines, art lines, ECMO circuit change, dialysis

Rehabilitation Medicine

Contacts: David Pruitt

Administrative Assistant: TBD

Half or Full-Block

Residents should request to be in the Oncology clinic with Dr. Pruitt as well as participate in some inpatient shadowing time as many Neuro/Onc patients are on the Rehab service.


Contacts: TBD

Administrative Assistant: TBD


Residents should participate in G building consults especially. Most of these are on BMT & PICU patients with Oncologic problems. Dr. Stefanie Benoit sees all the Onc and BMT patients with Renal issues.

Procedures: Dialysis and CRRT

Pain: Medical

Contacts: Ken Goldschneider

Administrative Assistant: Andrea Ayers

Half or Full-Block

This elective exposes residents to the management of chronic pain in the inpatient and outpatient setting. You will learn about opioid, and non-opioid regimens, as well as alternative therapies.


Contact: Oscar Lopez Nunez & Andrea Breaux

Administrative Assistant: Ala Alshammary


Residents in this half block elective can learn how tissue samples are analyzed in the Pathology lab relevant to the diagnosis and management of problems encountered in Heme/Onc. Dr. Bob Lorsbach and Dr. David Grier are specific faculty with expertise in Hematopathology that should be sought out for teaching.

Clinical Lab (Blood Bank)

Contact: More…


This half block elective exposes residents to the inner workings of our blood bank. Excellent teaching from Dr. Kristina Prus on transfusion medicine was noted to be a highlight of the experience.


Contact: Stacey Elangovan

Administrative Assistant: Evelyn Warren

Half or Full-Block

This half or full block elective will expose residents to the diagnostic imaging performed at our institution. Residents should reach out early to secure time in interventional radiology (placement of lines and tubes), the Neuro reading room, and our Proton Therapy Center at the Liberty Campus.

Recommended procedures

  • Bag mask ventilation
  • Bladder catheterization
  • CPR
  • Gastrostomy tube placement / exchange
  • Hemorrhage control
  • LP
  • Peripheral IV/venipuncture
  • Bone marrow biopsy
  • PCA pain management

Optional procedures

  • Central venous access
  • Chest tube
  • Defibrillation
  • Endotracheal intubation
  • IO

Other Experiences

Journal Club

Tumor Board

Scholarly Activity

Most applicants pursuing Heme/Onc participate in a scholarly project. The project does not have to be housed in the Cancer & Blood Diseases Institute specifically, and a wide array of projects have been completed by residents matching into Heme/Onc. The quality the mentoring and methodology are the most important criteria programs consider.

Recent resident projects

Coming soon!

Professional Organizations

AAP Section on Hematology Oncology

American Society of Hematology

American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology

American Society of Clinical Oncology

Journals & Online Resources





Blood Advances

Handbook of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology